Ludovic Suttor-Sorel | Finance Watch

Ludovic Suttor-Sorel

Former employee of Finance Watch

As Senior Research and Advocacy officer, Ludovic worked on public finance, development finance, sustainable finance, natural capital and the nexus between biodiversity and finance.

As a researcher in applied economics, Ludovic worked on public finance, environmental policy, public incentives and developed a keen interest in industrial policy. His interest in financial and banking regulation deepened while working for a Belgian senator on the Belgian Structural Banking Reform. He was also political advisor for the top management of a Belgian welfare institution.

At Finance Watch, Ludovic worked on public finance, primarily concerning the European economic governance review, and in development finance. Prior to this, Ludovic worked on sustainable finance, with a particular focus on biodiversity and natural capital. He was a member of the European Commission’s Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG) involved in the creation of the EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities.

Ludovic holds a B.A. in Political Sciences and an M.A. in European Studies from the Institute for European Studies of the Free University of Brussels (ULB). During his academic journey, he actively organised and moderated public debates and conferences

Participated in these publications


Report – The debts we need: Reinforcing Debt Sustainability with Future-Oriented Fiscal Rules

Misinformed fear about financial markets and debt sustainability has clouded...
Joint statement

Joint Statement – Reaction to Germany’s pushback on debt rules

Finance Watch co-publishes today a joint statement reacting to the...
Policy brief

Joint Policy Brief – “Investing in our Future: Seven EU economic governance reforms”

Finance Watch co-publishes today a civil society briefing on how...
Policy brief

Policy Brief – “Europe’s Fiscal Framework: The People’s View?”

Excessive public spending cuts in the European Union since 2009...

Report – Financing Local Green Enterprises. Closing the funding gap for sustainable MSMEs in developing countries

Finance Watch and Green Economy Coalition have compiled the findings...
Policy brief

Policy Brief – “From Maastricht to Paris: Why climate change should be considered in a reformed EU fiscal framework”

Thirty years after the Maastricht treaty and twelve years after...
Policy brief

Policy brief – “Breaking The Stalemate: Upgrading EU economic governance for the challenges ahead”

Thirty years after Maastricht and faced with serious economic, environmental,...
Consultation response

Maastricht 2.0: Updating EU economic governance for the challenges ahead

Finance Watch response to the European Commission public consultation on...

Fiscal Mythology Unmasked

Debunking eight tales about European public debt and fiscal rules....
Policy brief

One Framework to Rule Them All

The European fiscal framework in five questions. A helpful primer...

Navigating the Maze

A Finance Watch primer on how to reform European economic...
Consultation response

Response to the consultation on the Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy

Finance Watch responded to the 100+ questions of the European...

Report “Nature’s Return” on integrating economic and environmental governance

The cost of the COVID-19 crisis shines a light on...
Position paper

Game-changer: Financing the European Green Deal

A civil society briefing on financing a fair ecological transition

Making Finance Serve Nature – Report

Finance Watch publishes landscape paper on natural capital and ecosystem...
Open letter

Open letter to European Parliamentarians on the Taxonomy regulation

On 27 March 2019, one day before the European Parliament...

Guest Author